ROBOPROX Symposium 2024 | 14 March 2024

Datum: 14 March 2024
Místo konání: Red Auditorium, Budova B, CIIRC, ČVUT

Úvodní setkání odborníků projektu ROBOPROX: Robotika a pokročilá průmyslová výroba (reg. no. CZ.02.01.01/00/22_008/0004590)

Bylo nám ctí přivítat více než 80 účastníků ze všech čtyř partnerských univerzit.
Akci zahájili svými projevy významní hosté: Vojtěch Petráček, rektor ČVUT, Václav Šnášel, rektor VŠB-TUO, Jan Basl, prorektor ČZU, Vladimír Mařík, vědecký ředitel CIIRC ČVUT a Josef Schwarz ze Zastoupení Evropské komise v České republice.

Akce byla soustředěnou přehlídkou všech oblastí výzkumu, kterými se bude ROBOPROX zabývat v příštích čtyřech letech.

Uvítací dopis a zahájení
prof. Ing. Vladimír Mařík, DrSc., dr. hc, Scientific Director, CIIRC CTU
doc. RNDr. Vojtěch Petráček, CSc., CTU Rector
Krátké projevy zástupců partnerů projektu
  • prof. Václav Snášel, Rector, Technical University of Ostrava (VŠB-TUO)prof. Ing. Josef Basl, CSc., Vice-Rector for Strategy and Development, University of West Bohemia (UWB)
  • 8:55–9:00
    Josef Schwarz, EC Representation in the Czech Republic
    Představení projektu, jeho partnerů, cílů a struktury (Slides in PDF | Video recording)
    prof. Dr. Ing. Zdeněk Hanzálek, Principal Investigator
    WP1: Řízení a optimalizace systémů, materiálů a výroby (Slides in PDF | Video recording)
    Ing. Milan Korda, Ph.D.
    WP2: Robotika a výpočetní metody pro výrobu (Slides in PDF | Video recording)
    prof. Dr. Ing. Robert Babuška
    9:30–9:55RA1 Control of distributed-parameter systems and complex robotic structures – prof. Ing. Tomáš Vyhlídal, Ph.D. (Slides in PDF | Video recording)
  • Optimal control of interconnected time-delay systems
  • Extending the system decoupling methodControl and vibration suppression of light robotic structures
  • Algorithms for industrial controlEstimation and filtering
  • Advanced manufacturing
  • 9:55–10:25 Přestávka na kávu

    10:25–10:35RA2: Control for modular systems, structures, and materials – prof. Ing. Michael Šebek, DrSc. (Slides in PDF | Video recording)
  • Methodology for collaborative assembly of modular structures
  • Methodology for control of assembled modular structures
  • 10:35–10:45RA3: Convex relaxations for non-convex problems in materials and industrial design – prof. RNDr. Martin Kružík, Ph.D. (Slides in PDF | Video recording)
  • No relaxation gap in the moment-SOS hierarchy
  • Better scalability of the moment-SOS hierarchy
  • 10:45–11:05RA4: Computer-aided design, simulation and manufacturing of modular materials – prof. Ing. Jan Zeman, Ph.D. (Slides in PDF | Video recording)
  • Simulations
  • Optimal design
  • Manufacturing and validation
  • 11:05–11:20RA5: Automation for nanoscale surface engineering – prof. Ing. Tomáš Polcar, Ph.D. (online), doc. Antonio Cammarata, Ph.D. (Slides in PDF | Video recording)
  • Robotic magnetron sputtering
  • Automated nanoscale tribology
  • Design and manipulation of 2D materials
  • 11:20–11:30RA6 Advanced robot autonomy – RNDr. Miroslav Kulich, Ph.D. (Slides in PDF | Video recording)
  • Robot workspace modelling, robot under uncertainty
  • Perception-based navigation using embedded workspace features
  • Long-term autonomy, fault detection and recovery
  • 11:30–11:50RA7 Human-machine collaboration – prof. Dr. Ing. Robert Babuška (Slides in PDF | Video recording)
  • Modular knowledge-enabled architecture for HRC
  • Interactive skill and task specification, learning
  • Planning, scheduling and execution of tasks in the HRC workspace
  • Interactive perception
  • Application to a robotic system for radiation detection
  • 11:50–12:00RA8 Cooperative aerial robots for advanced industrial production – doc. Ing. Martin Saska, Dr. rer. nat. (Slides in PDF | Video recording)
  • Topological multi-modal mapping and cooperative localization
  • Trajectory and high-level mission planning for agile multi-robot flight
  • 12:00–13:30 Oběd

    13:30–13:40RA9 Resilient machines through continuous learning and sensing – prof. Ing. Tomáš Svoboda, Ph.D. (Slides in PDF | Video recording)
  • End-to-end learning with explainability
  • Versatile, resilient robots through distributed reactive control and whole-body tactile sensing
  • 13:40–13:50RA10 Robotic routing in dynamic industrial environment with human presence – doc. Ing. Tomáš Krajník, Ph.D. (Slides in PDF | Video recording)
  • Robotic routing solvers with solution quality estimates
  • Data collection planning in spatio-temporal fields
  • 13:50–14:15RA11 Scheduling, discrete optimization and decision-making – prof. Dr. Ing. Zdeněk Hanzálek (Slides in PDF | Video recording)
  • High-performance algorithms for the novel extensions of production scheduling problems
  • Uncertainty and machine learning in discrete optimization
  • Effective decision-making for long-term autonomy
  • Metaheuristic methods application for large scale, high dimensional data
  • Optimization of energy consumption and production
  • 14:15–14:45 Přestávka na kávu

    14:45–15:05RA12 Scalable formal methods in robotics and production – Mgr. Mikoláš Janota, Ph.D. (Slides in PDF | Video recording)
  • Scalable symbolic execution through bounded model checking
  • Automated reasoning for industrial applications
  • Reasoning about configurable systemsGraphs, parameters, and optimization for agents
  • 15:05–15:20RA13 Complex systems for flexible production – doc. Ing. Petr Kadera, Ph.D. (Slides in PDF | Video recording)
  • Advanced models of complex production systems
  • Modularization of production systems
  • Quality control in flexible manufacturing systems
  • Products, production systems, and devices
  • 15:20–15:30 Závěr a shrnutí – prof. Dr. Ing. Zdeněk Hanzálek