ABOUT – Partners
About partner
CTU is one of the largest and oldest technical universities in Europe. Over 19,000 students study at eight CTU faculties. With more than 1,700 scientific and academic employees, CTU is actively involved in research and scientific activities and cooperates with industrial partners, businesses, research and development institutions, and public and state administration from over 80 countries.
CTU parts involved:
Czech Institute of Informatics, Robotics, and Cybernetics (CIIRC)
Faculty of Electrical Engineering (FEE)
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering (FME)
Faculty of Civil Engineering (FCE)
Faculty of Information Technology (FIT)
Institute of Experimental and Applied Physics (IEAP)
Partner’s Involvement in research
CTU will contribute to all Research Areas in WP1 and WP2. Through the CIIRC CTU teams, CTU coordinates the project and covers the majority of the planned activities.
About partner
BUT consists of 8 faculties and 3 university institutes covering a broad spectrum of technical disciplines. BUT has extensive expertise in the theory and applications of automatic control, sensors, robotics and industrial control systems. BUT fosters extensive international cooperation based on long-term partnerships with leading European institutions and companies where BUT plays a key role both in research activities and in the management of essential elements of the projects.
BUT part involved:
Central European Institute of Technology (CEITEC BUT) – the department of Cybernetics and Robotics.
Partner’s Involvement in research
BUT is involved foremost in implementation of WP1 (RA1) and among others, it will contribute with data-driven estimation and nonlinear filtering methods.
About partner
UWB currently has nine faculties with almost 60 departments and two higher education institutes. As a research highlight of UWB, ca 250 researchers are carrying out the core mission of the NTIS Research Centre, which includes R&D&I in the priority directions of automation, information and communication technologies, supported by mathematical-physical modelling.
UWB part involved:
NTIS Research Centre – The Research Program of Cybernetic Control Systems
Partner’s Involvement in research
UWB is involved in the implementation of WP1 (RA1), and WP2 (RA6, RA10) and will contribute with methods, algorithms and software tools for designing control loops and state estimation of electromechanicalsystems, power systems and other industrial processes.
About partner
VSB-TUO has been connecting technical, economic, natural sciences and artistic disciplines within its seven faculties and IT4Innovations National Supercomputing Centre and ENET Centre. VSB-TUO is one of the most involved Czech universities in terms of the number of European projects and it is also among the leading institutes in the Czech Republic in terms of their volume of applied research.
VSB-TUO parts involved:
The Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science – Department of Computer Science.
Partner’s Involvement in research
VSB-TUO is involved in the implementation of WP1 (RA11, RA13, RA6) and among others, it will contribute with applications of metaheuristic methods to large-scale high-dimensional data.