The ROBOPROX project focuses on breakthrough research and development in robotics and advanced industrial manufacturing by leveraging flexible deployment of robots with a high degree of autonomy, safe collaboration with humans, control and optimization of manufacturing processes, and computational methods for manufacturing and materials engineering.
Cutting-edge research in this area will enable the development of more complex, modular and advanced solutions, and help increase the competitiveness of Czech industry. The project is interdisciplinary and promotes flexible development practices to meet changing customer requirements and respect increasing environmental constraints.
We divide our research into 2 Work packages
We are thrilled to announce funding for young female researchers in robotics within the ROBOPROX project.
Women Forum within the ROBOPROX project contributes to increasing the share of women in ROBOPROX teams and robotics and other technical sciences in general.
Women forum within the ROBOPROX projects is to among other survey the current robotic environment from a female perspective, detect the shortcomings and find ways how to bring more opportunities.
We invite passionate young female talents to apply for our financial support and work on their research ideas together with us. Apply now to turn your innovative ideas into reality!