Robotics and Advanced Industrial Production
The ROBOPROX project addresses the current demands of the Czech industry to resolve the rapid transformation of the sector and stay competitive at European and global levels.
The project specifically focuses on state-of-the-art research and development in the area of robotics and advanced manufacturing, and offers complex, modular and advanced solutions.
ROBOPROX supports agile development practices that enable companies to meet changing customer demands and respect increasing environmental constraints.
ROBOPROX will involve up to 180 top experts and offers dozens of new PhD and postdoctoral positions and unique opportunities for talented scientists from the Czech Republic and abroad.

Main Focus
In particular, ROBOPROX focuses on development of new algorithms and optimization methods for advanced industrial production. It covers interdisciplinary research at the intersection of optimization, systems theory, and materials engineering for the design, simulation, and fabrication of modular structures and surface engineering.

The ROBOPROX project with a total budget of CZK 467.9 million was selected among 26 elite projects that the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports (MEYS) and the European Commission support within the Excellent Research Call of the Operational Program Johannes Amos Comenius (OP JAK).
ROBOPROX is the only project supported under this call that focuses on research in the field of robotics and industrial informatics.

The project is implemented in close collaboration of four academic partners
The implementation will last until mid-2028.