Terms of Funding: Roboprox grant for young female talents

- Total budget: 2 475 000 CZK (~4 girls/year), for all CTU teams (not partners).
- Rules:
- up to 120 000 CZK/student (max. 44 000 CZK gross salary). We might consider to fund the same student for a second year.
- The goal is to attract students who could become PhD students on the project in the future. Primarily: newly employed Bc./MSc. students, but other interested girls are also encouraged to apply.
- Money should be only for salary (max 44 000 CZK/month for employment, ideally 0.5 FTE for 6 months or 1 FTE for 3 months, but exceptions possible)
- If the student receives a grant, she will be employed at CTU if she is not already an employee. Students are therefore expected to reside in the Czech Republic during the duration of their funded project.
- In the beginning we count with donating 1 student/RG (research group within Roboprox). Based on the usage of money by other RGs, we might enable more students for the same RG.
- Donated student should have in job description that it was funded by “Roboprox grant for young female talents”.
- Each sponsored student will participate in a short interview with Karla Stepanova (Eva Dolezalova) for the website (during or after their stay), and we will get a picture/video of her.
- The outcomes will be evaluated (e.g., how many became PhD students, publications, patents, demos…)
- The grant will be publicly announced through the Roboprox website, via leaflets at the university, and at various events. Interested students:
- Applies to one of the available research areas within Roboprox, A4 letter describing their ideas for the research topic + CV. They will be matched with a potential supervisor.
- If the topic and supervisor is already found, this will be noted in the application form.
- Specifies how much time she can devote and this will affect the corresponding funding amount (we will favor those that can devote enough time to use all 120 000 CZK)
- Independent committee evaluates the applications and selects the ones that will be funded.
- Application deadlines: twice a year (15.6., 15.12., we can announce an exceptional round). Planned: ~4 girls/year
Applications: via https://roboprox.eu/women-forum/#funding
Deadline: 15 December 2024